  1. Mud

From the recording Mud

Credits: Written by Katie Knipp, produced by Katie Knipp and Pancho Tomaselli, Recorded by Dustin Ryan at WestRoc Studios, Mixed and Mastered by Bob Daspit, Mastered for Apple by Brian J. Poole, Drums by Neil Campisano, Bass by Pancho Tomaselli, Lead Guitar by Chris Martinez, Hammond B3 by Steve Utstein, Vocals, Piano and Wurlitzer by Katie Knipp, Tenor and Baritone Sax by Danny Sandoval, Trumpet and horn arrangements by Justin Au, Trombone and Tuba by Brandon Au. Cover photo by Kevin Gomez About Mud: the opening line is actually a tribute to Elliott Smith, where he used to write songs in a basement, sitting on a stool, and there was so much garbage in the basement that it was really stinky and nobody else wanted to go down there, so he knew nobody would bother him and he got a lot of writing done that way. I think about influential writers like that often, gone to soon, and what their processes were like.
Then the whole story unfolds about an alcoholic stalker woman that is looking outside her subject’s window, standing on a cinder block, and she can feel the block under her feet lowering into the mud. It sinks the way her heart sinks when she has 3 or more drinks. It implies she’s considering hurting him, but it’s really up to the listener to decide what happens at the end. One of the things I had a lot of fun with, was I wrote an Italian aria and decided to stick it in the back of a mix during a bridge- almost as if it’s the voice of the ghost stalker. It’s the first time I have ever put opera on an album. All of these years I’ve been a bit of closeted opera singer- my degree is in classical voice, so I always sang French, Italian and German opera and on the way to gigs I’m always doing those same warm-ups to keep my voice in shape, but this will be the first time people are truly publicly hearing that side of me. It was a lot of fun to work it in the song.


Surrounded by garbage
Perched on a stool
I’ll try to write songs that
Aren’t about you
The birds are extra loud
The sky is really blue
Well that’s enough creating for now,
It’s Time to text in on you again
3 glasses in of whatever rot gut
And I’m once again
Deep in your mud
3 glasses in of whatever this swill
I’m just tryin to drown you out
Your voice was once velvet,
Grazing upon my ear
you laugh through your window
What makes me stand here?
High enough to see you, upon this cinderblock
Sinkin’ in the moonlit grass
Deep into your mud again
3 glasses in of whatever rot gut
And I’m once again
Deep in your mud
3 glasses in of whatever this swill
I’m just tryin to drown you out
Take all this attention, as a compliment
You won’t notice me
At your next private event
Take all this attention, as a love note
I promise to be here, even when you go……
Even when you go, I promise to be here when you go
I’ll never leave your side, especially when you go
Per favore, vai via, tia mo. Per favore vai via tia mo, tia mo, tia mo, tia mo, tia mo (fyi the English translation is “please go away, I love you”)
The rain may let up soon
Drops drumming through my ears
You say that I’m crazy
I simply want to be here for you
I promise to be as quiet as a mouse
As I exit my car,
Right outside your house
3 glasses in of whatever rot gut
And I’m once again
Deep in your mud
3 glasses in of whatever this swill
I’m just tryin to drown you out